Creating a list of Mondays for a year

Peter Hansen peter at
Sun Sep 18 20:30:42 EDT 2005

George Sakkis wrote:
> "Chris" <secun at> wrote:
>>Is there a way to make python create a list of Mondays for a given year?
> Get the dateutil package (
> import dateutil.rrule as rrule
> from datetime import date
> mondays2005 = tuple(rrule.rrule(rrule.WEEKLY,
>                                 dtstart=date(2005,1,1),
>                                 count=52,
>                                 byweekday=rrule.MO))

Count should probably be at least "53" to catch the years when there are 
that many Mondays.... such as 2001.  Unfortunately, I suspect that will 
screw it up for other years where there are only 52 (but I don't know 
this dateutil package so someone who does would have to say for sure).


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