What XML lib to use?

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Wed Sep 14 06:29:49 EDT 2005

Kalle Anke wrote:
> I've used DOM-based libraries in other languages, is PyXML the library to
> use?

I would start off with minidom; a tutorial I once wrote can be found


That should demonstrate some minor differences between PyXML-style DOMs
and those for languages like Java. Should you need a faster DOM
implementation, you might want to look at libxml2dom:


It's a pure Python module that uses the lower levels of libxml2's own
Python bindings, so if you already have libxml2 plus bindings
installed, it should be very convenient. Although libxml2dom isn't by
any means complete, I do use it myself and would welcome any feedback
which would make it better.


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