Struggling with this concept please help

George buffer_88 at
Sun Sep 25 19:38:36 EDT 2005

Hello everyone I know many have helped but I cannot get this to work
out correctly. I cannot use BeautifulSoup at all. I need to:
  Parse the HTML and extracting all the links, convert them to IP
addresses, and build a list of all these IP addresses, thwn I need to
sort the list and remove the duplicates so that unit testing will work.
Please help I have never done python before and I can't seem to get the
hang of it.

Module to print IP addresses of tags in web file containing HTML

>>> showIPnums('')
['', '', '']

>>> showIPnums('')
['', '', '', '',
'', '', '',
'', '', '']


import htmllib
import formatter
import urllib
import socket

from urlparse import urlparse

class HTML_Parser(htmllib.HTMLParser):
    def __init__(self):

    def start_a(self, args):
        for key, value in args:
            if key.lower() == 'href':
                global listURL

def showIPnums(URL):
 parser = HTML_Parser()
 connect = urllib.urlopen(URL)
 data =

if __name__ == '__main__':
 import doctest, sys 

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