Video display, frame rate 640x480 @ 30fps achievable?

Guenter dannoritzer at
Fri Sep 9 08:28:29 EDT 2005

Michael Sparks schrieb:

> Yes.
> Co-incidentally we've been looking at video playback this week as well.
> We've been using Pygame with an Overlay surface, and it works fairly well.

I guess Pygame was more suitable overall for your application? I would
just be interested whether you have considered using PyMedia? I knew
about Pygame, but haven't done anything with it yet. So far when I
needed a GUI based application I have used wxPython, but I am not stuck
to that.

> Initially we're testing with simple IYUV raw video data, and it's a good
> idea to use a modern video card supported by your OS, but other than that
> we've not had problems. If you're interested in code, let us know :-)
Thanks for the offer. If it is getting serious and I need some jump
start I might come back to you about the code.



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