Video display, frame rate 640x480 @ 30fps achievable?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Thu Sep 8 11:28:35 EDT 2005

Peter Hansen wrote:

>> I need to develop an application that displays video 640x480 16-bit per
>> pixel with 30 fps.
>> I would prefer to do that with Python (wxPython) but don't have any
>> experience whether it is possible to achieve that frame rate and still
>> have some resources for other processing left? My development PC would
>> be a Celeron 1 GHz. The final system could be a faster system.
> At the very least, you should be looking at Pygame instead, as wxPython
> is not really intended for that kind of thing.  Whether or not you can
> manage the desired frame rate depends entirely on what you will be
> displaying... a single pixel moving around, full-screen video, or
> something in between? ;-)

no contemporary hardware should have any problem reaching that
framerate at that resolution, even if you stick to standard "blit" inter-

getting the data into the "blittable" object fast enough may be more
of a problem, though.  I don't know how good wxPython is in that
respect; Tkinter's PhotoImage is probably not fast enough for video,
but a more lightweight object like PIL's ImageWin.Dib works just
fine (I just wrote a test script that reached ~200 FPS at 1400x900,
but my machine is indeed a bit faster than a 1 GHz Celeron).


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