Well, Python is hard to learn...

Magnus Lycka lycka at carmen.se
Fri Sep 2 09:42:25 EDT 2005

wen wrote:
> due to the work reason, i have to learn python since last month. i have
> spent 1 week on learning python tutorial and felt good. but i still don't
> understand most part of sourcecode of PYMOL(http://pymol.sourceforge.net/)
> as before.

Maybe you (or someone else) is making a mistake if you are trying
to understand PyMol in this stage of learning. I haven't used
PyMol, but I really doubt that you need to understand its source
code unless your aiming to maintain that code.

If you approached it as a learning exercise, you aimed way too high.

If you approached it because you need to use PyMol, trying to understand
its source code is probably the wrong approach.

You don't need to learn all the details of how a car works to drive it.
You don't even have to understand how the engine is designed to change
wheels or fix rust holes.

I'm aware that you use Python to perform advanced operations in PyMol,
but you don't need to understand PyMol's internals for that.

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