OpenSource documentation problems

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Thu Sep 1 11:09:27 EDT 2005

Rocco Moretti wrote:

> Something a simple as allowing doc bugs to be submitted from a webform
> w/o login would reduce the barrier to contribute. - Increasing the size
> of the "About" text wouldn't hurt either. (To be honest, I've never
> noticed that text before, and it never occurred to me look at the
> "About" page for information on error reports.)

the useredit approach I'm using over at the librarybook site works
pretty well.  for example, if you go to

and click "suggest changes" at the bottom, you can edit the page
source, preview the changes, and generate a patch when you're
done, all without signing up or logging in.

(unfortunately, Python's documentation is written in LaTeX, using
a rather advanced tool chain to get from sources to HTML, so the
librarybook approach won't really work "out of the box")


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