logging into one file problem

Maksim Kasimov maksim.kasimov at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 11:26:50 EDT 2005


in my modules, I'm using logging module, doing thus (there is a few modules):

in module1.py:
hdl = logging.StreamHandler()
fmt = logging.Formatter("%(name)s:\t%(levelname)s:\t%(asctime)s:\t%(message)s")
log = logging.getLogger('module1')

In script, which is uses these modules, I'm doing in a similar way:

in script.py:
hdl = logging.StreamHandler()
fmt = logging.Formatter("%(name)s:\t%(levelname)s:\t%(asctime)s:\t%(message)s")
log = logging.getLogger('script')

Than, to direct all output into one log-file I'm doing like this:

script.py >> script.log 2>&1

All works as expected - all output in one file (script.log), but only until syslog will rotate script.log, than output to log-file stops.

How to avoid this situation?

i can't using something like this:

hdl = logging.FileHandler('script.log')

because modules are used in other scripts, and log output of each application must be in different files.

and doing in script.py like this:

module.hdl = hdl
module.log = log

will works, but it is very inconvenient, because in main script, i'm not importing all the modules (some modules imported by other modules).

thanks for help.

Python 2.2.3

Best regards,
Maksim Kasimov
mailto: maksim.kasimov at gmail.com

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