Launching Python programs from Linux shell script

Steve Holden steve at
Mon Sep 12 11:42:42 EDT 2005

Ernesto wrote:
> Thanks!  How do you add Python in Linux to the path?  Similar to
> setting environment variables in Windows.  I want to be able to type
> "python" when I'm in any directory to launch the interpreter.  Thanks!
You will (or should) have a shell intialisation file variously called 
.profile, .bashrc or several other possible names. Consult your shell 
documentation (or ask another user who knows) to find out which.

You will need to add a line which typically reads something like

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/directory/containing/python

making the obvious substitution of the correct path. Interestingly I 
couldn't quickly formulate a Google search specifically containing 
Python, but a search for

     unix add to path

gives the quite helpful

as its first result.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   

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