Why do Pythoneers reinvent the wheel?

Kay Schluehr kay.schluehr at gmx.net
Sat Sep 10 04:14:15 EDT 2005

Tim Daneliuk wrote:

> 1) The existing tool is inadequate for the task at hand and OO subclassing
>     is overrated/overhyped to fix this problem. Even when you override
>     base classes with your own stuff, you're still stuck with the larger
>     *architecture* of the original design. You really can't subclass
>     your way out of that, hence new tools to do old things spring into
>     being.

Allthough I do think that you are completely wrong in principle there
is some true point in your statement: refactoring a foreign ill
designed tool that nevertheless provides some nice functionality but is
not mentioned for being extendable by 3-rd party developers is often
harder than writing a nice and even though inextendable tool on your
own. That's independent of the language allthough I tend to think that
C and Python programmers are more alike in their crude pragmatism than
Java or Haskell programmers ( some might object that it is a bit unfair
to equate Java and Haskell programmers, because no one ever claimed
that the latter need code-generators and no intelligence to do their
work ).


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