How to use a timer in Python?

Nico Grubert nicogrubert at
Fri Sep 23 05:07:27 EDT 2005

> That all sounds very race-y to me!  The cron-job and the other process
> need to take the same lock, otherwise the cron-job will start 1ms
> after the other process checks for transfer.lock and before it has a
> chance to create newfile and there will be trouble.
> Using files as locks isn't brilliant because the operations "read to
> see if the lock is there" and "create the file isn't" aren't atomic.
> Ie someone can get in there after you read the directory but before
> you create the file.
> However creating a directory is atomic, so you can take the lock by
> os.mkdir("/tmp/lock").  If that succeeded you got the lock, if it
> failed (threw OSError) then you didn't.  If it failed then just
> time.sleep(1) and try again.  This kind of locking works cross
> platform too.  You can use it in shell too, eg "mkdir /tmp/lock ||
> exit 1" in your cronjob.

There is no cronjob anymore now. I just need to check if there is a lock 
file. How would you modify my short program to avoid the situation "Ie 
someone can get in there after you read the directory but before
you create the file."?


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