SpamBayes wins PCW Editors Choice Award for anti-spam software.

Alan Kennedy alanmk at
Thu Sep 1 05:50:12 EDT 2005

[Alan Kennedy]
>>IMHO, there is a great opportunity here for the python community: 
> [...]
>>Surely that's worth a simple team name, for mnemonic purposes 
>>if nothing else. Something different or unusual, like one of my 
>>favourites, "Legion of the Bouncy Castle", who are a group of Java
>>cryptography dudes

[Tony Meyer]
> Is there really anything to be gained by referring to the "SpamBayes
> development team" via some cryptic name?  

Yes, there is something to be gained: mindshare.

A simple catchy memorable team name could work wonders for showing 
potential users that this excellent open-source software product was 
produced a team of real people, using the worlds best development 
language ;-) And produced by people who have a pythonic sense of humour. 
Off the top of my head suggestions include

  - The Python Anti-Spam Cabal
  - The Flying Circus
  - The SPAM Vikings (*)
  - The Knights who go Nih
  - The Ministry of Funny Software
  - Masters of the pythonic time machine (probably too pretentious)


[Tony Meyer]
> You can call use the SDT if you like.

Well, I said an interesting name ;-)

[Tony Meyer]
> Should the Python developers likewise get some cryptic name?

No, they'll always be the python-dev cabal to me.


alan kennedy
email alan:    

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