round() wrong in Python 2.4?

Reinhold Birkenfeld reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at
Thu Sep 15 01:50:11 EDT 2005

Robert Kern wrote:
> Grant Edwards wrote:
>> On 2005-09-14, Robert Kern <rkern at> wrote:
>>>Antoon Pardon wrote:
>>>>0.0225 isn't representable and it happens that the actual number
>>>>you get differ. Now which number python should choose when it is
>>>>fed 0.0225, I don't know. But expressing the different behaviour
>>>>as a change in round, suggest that the O.P. would be wise to
>>>>learn about floating point problems
>>>Uhh, Python didn't change anything between 2.3 and 2.4 wrt round().
>> That's what Antoon Pardon just said. The above paragraph says
>> that round() didn't change, and the fact that the OP thinks it
>> did indicates that the OP needs to learn more about FP.
> Antoon:
> "Python 2.3 isn't rounding 0.0225 up while pyton 2.4 rounds it down."

Written in Pseudocode:

not (Py2.3 rounding up and Py2.4 rounding down)


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