Os.fork() replacement for windows.

Payton, Zack Zack.Payton at MWAA.com
Thu Sep 22 17:39:01 EDT 2005

Ok ladies and gentlemen,

I'm attemtping to port a unix based app written in python over to
windows.  However this app relies on the os.fork() to achieve
parallelism for sending and receiving network packets.  I need to 'fork'
the code to send a series of packets and parse them on return.  I have
been looking into twisted to attempt to achieve capability but it looks
like I'd have to rewrite the app from the ground up to deal with
asynchronous operations and attempting to make it all re-entrant which
is a huge task and something I'd prefer to avoid if there is a better
solution available.  Any ideas?  

Thanks so much,
Zack Payton
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