read stdout/stderr without blocking

Adriaan Renting renting at
Fri Sep 16 03:02:59 EDT 2005

Great reply,

I had just mixed Pexpect and subProcess code until I'd got something that worked, you can actually explain my code better a I can myself. I find it quite cumbersome to read stdout/strerr separately, and to be able to write to stdin in reaction to either of them, but at least on Linux you can get it to work. My NON_BLOCKing command might be unnecesary, I'll try without it.

The OP seemed interested on how to do this on Windows, but I've yet to see an answer on that one I think.
Thank you for the reply.

Adriaan Renting
|>>>Donn Cave <donn at> 09/15/05 6:19 pm >>> 
|In article <ebGdnZ2dnZ1wQWfKnZ2dnTtdu96dnZ2dRVn-zZ2dnZ0 at>, 
|Peter Hansen <peter at> wrote: 
|>Jacek Pop³awski wrote: 
|>>Grant Edwards wrote: 
|>>>On 2005-09-12, Jacek Pop?awski <jpopl at> wrote: 
|>>>>>       ready =, [], [], 0.25) ##continues 
|>>>>>after 0.25s 
|>>>>>       for file in ready[0]: 
|>>>>>           try: 
|>>>>>               text =, 1024) 
|>>>>How do you know here, that you should read 1024 characters? 
|>>>>What will happen when output is shorter? 
|>>>It will return however much data is available. 
|>>My tests showed, that it will block. 
|>Not if you use non-blocking sockets, as I believe you are expected to 
|>when using select(). 
|On the contrary, you need non-blocking sockets only if 
|you don't use select.  select waits until a read [write] 
|would not block - it's like "if dict.has_key(x):" instead of 
|"try:  val = dict[x] ; except KeyError:".  I suppose you 
|knew that, but have read some obscure line of reasoning 
|that makes non-blocking out to be necessary anyway. 
|Who knows, but it certainly isn't in this case. 
|I don't recall the beginning of this thread, so I'm not sure 
|if this is the usual wretched exercise of trying to make this 
|work on both UNIX and Windows, but there are strong signs 
|of the usual confusion over (a.k.a., and 
|file object read.  Let's hopefully forget about Windows for 
|the moment. 
|The above program looks fine to me, but it will not work 
|reliably if file object read() is substituted for 
|In this case, C library buffering will read more than 1024 
|bytes if it can, and then that data will not be visible to 
|select(), so there's no guarantee it will return in a timely 
|manner even though the next read() would return right 
|away.   Reading one byte at a time won't resolve this problem, 
|obviously it will only make it worse.   The only reason to 
|read one byte at a time is for data-terminated read semantics, 
|specifically readline(), in an unbuffered file.  That's what 
|happens -- at the system call level, where it's expensive -- 
|when you turn off stdio buffering and then call readline(). 
|In the C vs. Python example,  read() is, and file 
|object read() is fread();  so of course, C read() works 
|where file object read() doesn't. 
|Use select, and (and UNIX) and you can avoid blocking 
|on a pipe.  That's essential if as I am reading it there are supposed 
|to be two separate pipes from the same process, since if one is 
|allowed to fill up, that process will block, causing a deadlock if 
|the reading process blocks on the other pipe. 
|Hope I'm not missing anything here. I just follow this group 
|to answer this question over and over, so after a while it 
|gets sort of automatic. 
|  Donn Cave, donn at 

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