python and MySQL - 3 questions

el chupacabra nowayjose at
Mon Oct 10 01:03:40 EDT 2005

I'm using mysqldb module and python 2.4. I'm a newbie. Thanks in advance.

1. Output desired: 


I know that MySQL takes \n and \t and what not. 

But my python script, it takes that \n as literal.  Meaning, when I retrieve the records, they show up like "hello \n world".

How can keep formatting when inserting data to table?

This is what I have:

cursor.execute('insert into table values (%s, %s, %s, %s)', (newId, insertEntryName, insertLastName, insertSSN)

2. How can make my python show *** (stars) when entering user passwords?

3. Is it possible to make Python/MySQL transactions secure, encrypted?  Can you point me to readings or something?

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