Pickle to source code

Gabriel Genellina gagenellina at softlab.com.ar
Wed Oct 26 18:29:18 EDT 2005

Jean-Paul Calderone ha escrito:

> >In other words, I need a *string* which, being sent to eval(), would
> >return the original object state saved in the pickle.
> You may find twisted.persisted.aot of some use.  Here is an example:
> AOT is unmaintained in Twisted, and may not support some newer features of Python (eg, datetime or deque instances).  If this seems useful, you may want to contribute patches to bring it up to the full level of functionality you need.

Oh, thanks. I have some problems installing the package but I hope it
will be useful. If any changes are needed I'll report them.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

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