Hidden string formatting bug

Echo oshecho at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 20:48:52 EDT 2005

I have been trying to figure out the problem with this string formatting:

sql = 'INSERT INTO tc_themes
(name,user_made,hour12,time_loc,background_color_r,' + \
'background_color_g,background_color_b,clock_color_r,clock_color_g,' + \
'clock_color_b,clock_background_color_r,clock_background_color_g,' + \
'clock_background_color_b,clock_points_color_r,clock_points_color_g,' + \
'clock_points_color_b,clock_hour_color_r,clock_hour_color_g,' + \
'clock_hour_color_b,clock_min_color_r,clock_min_color_g,' + \
'clock_min_color_b,clock_sec_color_r,clock_sec_color_g,' + \
'clock_sec_color_b,clock_font_facename,clock_font_size,' + \
'clock_font_style,clock_font_underlined,clock_font_weight,' + \
'clock_font_color_r,clock_font_color_g,clock_font_color_b,' + \
'time_font_facename,time_font_size,time_font_style,' + \
'time_font_underlined,time_font_weight,time_font_color_r,' + \
'time_font_color_g,time_font_color_b) VALUES (' + \
"%s,%i,%i,%s,%i," + \
"%i,%i,%i,%i," + \
"%i,%i,%i," + \
"%i,%i,%i," + \
"%i,%i,%i," + \
"%i,%i,%i," + \
"%i,%i,%i," + \
"%i,%s,%i," + \
"%i,%i,%i," + \
"%i,%i,%i," + \
"%s,%i,%i," + \
"%i,%i,%i," + \
"%i,%i)" % ("'Simple Clock'", 0, 1, "'Top'", 200, 200, 200, 100, 100, 100,
255, 255, 255, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, "'Arial'", 18,
90, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0, "'Arial'", 32, 90, 0, 90, 0, 0, 0)

when it executes, I get this error: "inv argument required". I have checked
and rechecked both the string and the tuple. I cant figure out what the
problem is.
After playing around with it, i found out if change the last line to:
"%s,%i) %(... I get a different error. The error is "not all arguments
converted during string formatting".

So I am baffled and confused as of why this wont work. Is anyone able to
shed some light on my hidden bug?

Using: Python 2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)]

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