"dynamical" importing

John Abel jabel at plus.net
Wed Oct 19 04:52:49 EDT 2005


userModule = _importModule( pathToModule )

def _importModule( moduleName ):
    modName = __import__ ( moduleName )
    modComponents = moduleName.split( '.' )
    for indivComp in modComponents[ 1: ]:
        modName = getattr( modName, indivComp )

    return modName



Joerg Schuster wrote:

>I need to import modules from user defined paths. I.e. I want to do
>module_dir = sys.argv[1]
>my_path = os.path.join(module_dir, 'bin', 'my_module')
>from my_path import my_object
>Obviously, it doesn't work this way. How would it work?
>Jörg Schuster

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