New project coming up...stay with Python, or go with a dot net language??? Your thoughts please!

Luis M. Gonzalez luismgz at
Tue Oct 4 08:28:05 EDT 2005

> Boa Constructor, Iron Python etc... it seems all these projects get started,
> but never finished.

I don't know Boa (never liked it, never used it), but you could try
PythonCard: much higher level, easier and more productive. As for
Ironpython seems to be moving full steam towards a stable release
(current version is 0.9.2). And once it's ready, integration with other
MS technologies will be assured, so you shouldn't be concerned about
If not Ironpython, Boo (which could be considered almost an static
version of Python for .NET) would be a great choice. It is already
integrated to SharpDevelop and soon it will be compliant with .NET 2.0.

It seems your concerns are all related to the future, and I think that
no matter what implementation of python you use, the future looks
brighter than ever, because the same code base will run on .NET, Pypy
(which will support many platforms) and java (through Jython) .

What other language gives you so many options?

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