win32api.FindFiles Win2003, problem with Short Name

Frank Borell borell at
Thu Oct 13 19:25:42 EDT 2005

I'm having a problem retrieving the ShortName from a file that was
written by a MAC and only from a Windows 2003 server.

I realize the file has a space after it, but I can retrieve the short
name from Windows XP and 2000;

>>>print win32api.FindFiles(process_source_dir + "*")

Excluding the results from "." and "..", it returns:
(32, <PyTime:10/13/2005 8:12:12 PM>, <PyTime:10/13/2005 8:41:40 PM>,
<PyTime:10/13/2005 8:16:56 PM>, 0, 44118, 29741111, 0, '10^2f16
Hardcover a ', '10^2F167.5AC') - All OK!!

When using the same command on Win2003, it returns:
<PyTime:10/13/2005 8:49:06 PM>, <PyTime:10/13/2005 8:16:56 PM>, 0,
44118, 29741111, 0, '10^2f16 Hardcover a ', '')

The versions of Python / Win32 are the same on all servers.
Does anyone have any ideas?


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