OT: OS monopolies, was MS FAQ

Adriaan Renting renting at astron.nl
Mon Oct 17 05:04:49 EDT 2005

>>>John Bokma <john at castleamber.com> 10/17/05 5:27 am >>> 
#Roel Schroeven <rschroev_nospam_ml at fastmail.fm> wrote: 
#>Maybe they can force it, maybe not, but that's not the point (again). 
#>The point is what their intentions are, and that is trying to lock 
#>people into using their software. 
#Can you name big companies that don't do this? 

I know that some companies, for example Adobe with PDF and postscript, have been much nicer in having other software interoperate/compete with them. I think it's why MS is currently targetting them (Metro, Digital Image).

Don't be to surprised if Acrobat, Illustrator or Photoshop has trouble running on Vista.

I do agree that most companies would probably try some of the same tactics, but that's why it's illegal to abuse monopoly power. Some of MS faults are inherent to how the software market works, for example that it's pace is much higher as what the justice system can keep up with.

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