A little help with time calculations

Steve Holden steve at holdenweb.com
Wed Oct 19 03:38:16 EDT 2005

iminal wrote:
> what i have so far is :
>     # Get values needed to make time calculations
>     CT = input("input your chronometer time (ex. 07:21:46): ")
>     CE = input("input your chronometer correction (ex. 00:01:32): ")
>     CEfastslow = raw_input("is your chronometer correction fast or
> slow: ")
>     #decide either to subtract or add CE from/to CT
>     if CEfastslow == "fast":
>         CEfastslow = CT - CE
>     if CEfastslow == "slow":
>         CEfastslow = CT + CE
> but this just doesnt deal with the numbers in time format its acting
> like they are just regualr integers adding them up like regular numbers
Well, how is the interpreter supposed to know that they are times? 
Remember that the Python language doesn't have times as a basic data 
type, and input(...) treats what you enter as Python data (unlike 

> i am trying to figure out what u posted and it seems a little
> complicated im trying to add it in somehow and figure out exactly what
> its doing but still looking for a little easier of a way
Well, the code I posted was untested, and I find two things wrong with 
it straight away: Firstly, it won't include leading zeros when 
converting seconds to a time, and secondly it puts the hours, minutes 
and seconds in the wrong order.

> thanks so far
The idea, though, is to read strings lime "07:20:44" and convert them 
into something that Python *can* do arithmetic on. I defined a function, 
timetosecs, that would let you do this.

So your program should look something like:

# Put function definitions here ...
CT = raw_input("input your chronometer time (ex. 07:21:46): ")
CE = raw_input("input your chronometer correction (ex. 00:01:32): ")
CEfastslow = raw_input("is your chronometer correction fast or slow: ")

Tsecs = timetosecs(CT)
Esecs = timetosecs(CE)

#decide either to subtract or add CE from/to CT
if CEfastslow == "fast":
     CEfastslow = Tsecs - Esecs
if CEfastslow == "slow":
     CEfastslow = Tsecs + Esecs

print "New time:", secstotime(CEfastslow)

Hope this gets you a bit closer to a solution.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC                     www.holdenweb.com
PyCon TX 2006                  www.python.org/pycon/

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