handling ExpatError exception raised from ElementTree.XML() method

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Mon Oct 31 10:40:52 EST 2005

mirandacasc... at yahoo.com wrote:
> It's not clear how a grep of the site-packages directory revealed the
> most likely location of the ExpatError class is xml.parsers.expat.

Here's what I did:

grep -e ExpatError -r /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/

What is interesting is that most of the "hits" belonged to packages
which you may not have on your system: pyxdg and smartpm, for example,
which mention the ExpatError class. I did get the following message,

Binary file
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/_xmlplus/parsers/pyexpat.so matches

> ...it located the file Mr. Boddie mentioned...\lib\xml\parsers\expat.py.  That file has
> only a few lines of code...it appears to import all the objects from what I'm guessing
> is the pyexpat extension module.  I'm guessing that ExpatError is
> embedded within that extension module...is that a correct guess?

I believe so.


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