noob question Letters in words?

Ivan Shevanski darkpaladin79 at
Fri Oct 7 20:46:39 EDT 2005

Alright heres another noob question for everyone.  Alright, say I have a 
menu like this.

print "1. . .Start"
print "2. . .End"
choice1 = raw_input("> ")

and then I had this to determine what option.

if choice1 in ('1', 'Start', 'start'):
    #do first option
if choice1 in ('2', 'End', 'end'):
    #do second option

Is there a way (I searched for a module but didnt find one) that I can do 
something like this?

if choice1 in ('1', 'S', 's'):
    #do first option
if choice1 in ('2', 'E', 'e'):
    #do second option

For instance I could type in Stop and would get the first option since it 
had an "s" in it?
Anyone heard of any way to do this?


By the way, if anyone gets tired of my persistant noob questions please tell 
me I don't want to bother anyone =D

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