"no variable or argument declarations are necessary."

Antoon Pardon apardon at forel.vub.ac.be
Tue Oct 4 08:35:06 EDT 2005

Op 2005-10-04, Steve Holden schreef <steve at holdenweb.com>:
> Paul Rubin wrote:
>> Antoon Pardon <apardon at forel.vub.ac.be> writes:
>>>>Or you just code without declaring, intending to go 
>>>>back and do it later, and invariably forget.
>>>What's the problem, the compilor will allert you
>>>to your forgetfullness and you can then correct
>>>them all at once.
>> Thiat in fact happens to me all the time and is an annoying aspect of
>> Python.  If I forget to declare several variables in C, the compiler
>> gives me several warning messages and I fix them in one edit.  If I
>> forget to initialize several variables in Python, I need a separate
>> test-edit cycle to hit the runtime error for each one.
> Well I hope you aren't suggesting that declaring variables makes it 
> impossible to forget to initalise them. So I don;t really see the 
> relevance of this remark, since you simply add an extra run to fix up 
> the "forgot to declare" problem. After that you get precisely one 
> runtime error per "forgot to initialize".

Declaration and initialisation often go together. So the fixup
to declare is often enough a fixup for the initialisation too.

Antoon Pardon

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