Send password over TCP connection

dcrespo dcrespo at
Thu Oct 13 18:02:28 EDT 2005

> Well, I mean, what kind of data is it?  Sports chat?  Personal correspondence?  Financial info like credit card numbers?  Medical records?  Military/diplomatic traffic?  I'm asking how severe the security requirements are.

Important data like diplomatic traffic. Must be accessible from all
Clients inmediatly a client publish his data. Its an online system.

> Why do you want to do that?  All of them get compromised if the one password is compromised.

How is it that all of them get compromised?

> What do you mean by "password"?  If it's not something a user has to remember and type in, then I hope you mean a long random string rather than a password.  I sort of remember your mentioning this though.

With 'password' I meant simply a string to log in.

> so why do you need this password stuff at all?

I don't want to permit anyone to run RPC functions. It's my desire.

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