UI toolkits for Python

Malte Clasen malte.clasen at arcor.de
Sat Oct 15 06:42:57 EDT 2005

Claudio Grondi wrote:
> What is that complex, that it can't be solved using an Internet Browser as a
> GUI?

Nothing, but session management isn't trivial with http interfaces. You 
have to deal with the back button of the browsers, bookmarks to pages 
that result from posted forms, users leaving the application without 
notice, etc.. And if you want to implement dialogs like the Photoshop 
image resizing with automatic calculation of some widget data based on 
other widgets (e.g. interlocked width and height), you have to rely on 
JavaScript which isn't as platform independent as it should be and 
sometimes deactivated due to security issues.

But if that doesn't bother you, you might want to have a look at 
http://qooxdoo.sourceforge.net/ , "an advanced open-source javascript 
based toolkit."


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