Jargons of Info Tech industry

Roedy Green my_email_is_posted_on_my_website at munged.invalid
Wed Oct 12 18:42:31 EDT 2005

On Sun, 09 Oct 2005 06:32:07 -0400, Mike Meyer <mwm at mired.org> wrote
or quoted :

>Formatted spam can include pictures of words. That's a common spam
>tactic - send a multipart/alternative with a text part that look like
>a letter from aunt jane - and mention that you're sending a
>picture. The picture part is basically a jpeg of a flyer for the spam
>companies product.

Such a jpg would have a lot more sharp edges than a usual photo. Also
you tend to have areas of just two colours. Some edge detecting
software might have a go at it.

However, my rule of thumb is I would not accept photos from the
general public, only from a subset of my correspondendents.  That
makes a photo a strong spam indicator. Then there are small corporate
logos, which are innocuous.  Spamnix does not have such a filtering

Canadian Mind Products, Roedy Green.
http://mindprod.com Again taking new Java programming contracts.

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