Problems with properties

Michael Schneider michaelschneider at
Fri Oct 14 11:41:02 EDT 2005

Hello All,

I have been working on learning how to use python properties.

The get property access is working, but the the set
property is not working.

Rather then dispatching the property assignment to setNothing, the
property object is being replaced with a string.

I must be doing something very stupid here.

Could someone please point out my error, I have dents in my forehead
for this one.



from unittest import TestCase
import unittest

class Task:
   def __init__(self,command):
     self._command = command

   def setNothing(self, value):
     raise AttributeError

   def getCommand(self):
     return self._command

   command=property(getCommand, setNothing)

class taskTest(TestCase):

     def testTask(self):
         t = Task("dir c:")
         c = t.command
         self.assertEquals("dir c:", c)

         # should fail, but doesn't
         t.command = "foo Bar"

         self.assertEquals("dir c:", t.command)

if __name__ == "__main__":

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