TypeError: unbound method PrintInput() must be called with test instance as first argument (got test instance instead)

arotem arotem at juniper.net
Sun Oct 16 12:48:39 EDT 2005


I am trying to call an unbound method (PrintInput) with the object
instance as the first argument but getting the following error:
"TypeError: unbound method PrintInput() must be called with test
instance as first argument (got test instance instead)"

Below is the sample code (test) for this purpose (two files).

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance, Anat

Sample Code:

File 1 - input_file.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from test import *

CMD = (test.PrintInput, float(2))

File 2 - test.py:

from input_file import *

class test:
    def __init__(self):
        _test = 2
    def PrintInput(self, input):
        print "Input is = %s"%(input)

if __name__== "__main__":
    print "Unit testing"
    inst = test()
    print CMD
    cmd = CMD[0]
    param = CMD[1:]
    cmd(inst,param)        # this is the problematic line

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