wxPython installation issues on Debian

Robert Kern robert.kern at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 20:29:34 EST 2005

Paul McNett wrote:
> Robert Kern wrote:
>>Although Ubuntu is a Debian derivative, it does have different packages.
>>At the moment, Debian's default Python is 2.3 although one can also
>>install Python 2.4, and most Python packages in Debian have been built
>>for both (that's why I erroneously recommended installing the apparently
>>nonexistant python2.4-wxgtk2.4). However, it appears that the maintainer
>>of the Debian wxPython is not building packages for both Python 2.3 and
>>2.4. The maintainer of the Ubuntu wxPython package apparently is.
> As far as I know, the maintainer of the wxPython package is the same (Ron) and 
> Ubuntu just uses the upstream wxPython from Debian. However, I see above that 
> you are referencing wxPython 2.4 and not 2.6. It is very possible that for 
> wxPython 2.4, there is only a Python 2.3 package.
> wxPython 2.4 is obsolete. If possible, wxPython 2.6 should be used. But, I don't 
> know if it is available for Python 2.4 under Debian (or Ubuntu, for that matter).

Still only available for Python 2.3 it seems.


Robert Kern
robert.kern at gmail.com

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
 Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
  -- Richard Harter

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