another beginner sort of question

John Salerno johnjsal at
Thu Nov 3 00:04:14 EST 2005

Ok, like I mentioned before, I'm learning C# for fun. I'm interested in 
learning Python sort of as a "supplement" (by that, I mean a language 
with scripting capabilities that can do things maybe simpler than C# 
might). One concern I have about learning them simultaneously is that 
I'll start to get overwhelmed and mix things up, but I think I'm at 
least smart enough not to do that!  :)

My other concern is exactly how indepth I'll need to go with Python. I 
enjoy learning about the details of C# and the .NET Framework, but I 
think in order to keep things simple (in terms of learning two languages 
at once), I won't really get into the "behind the scenes" stuff with 
Python. I plan to just learn it well enough to write small scripts here 
and there.

So my question is, is this feasible? Or does learning Python require (or 
entail) learning all the details behind it? Also, do I need to know 
anything about C or C++? Python seems to connected to those languages 
that I'm afraid learning Python by itself might not be practical, but 
hopefully that's unfounded.


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