General question about Python design goals

Aahz aahz at
Mon Nov 28 00:01:49 EST 2005

In article <dmdsf0$eus$1 at>,
Christoph Zwerschke  <cito at> wrote:
>Aahz wrote:
>> Christoph deleted his own attribution:
>>>For instance, I just wanted to use the index() method on a tuple which 
>>>does not work. ...
>> Because Guido believes that tuples should be primarily used as
>> lightweight replacements for C structs.  Therefore they have minimal
>> functionality.
>But the problem is that the tutorials and manuals give the impression 
>that the difference between lists and tuples is only mutablity versus 
>immutability. They don't talk about such considerations and honestly 
>speaking even now I know that it does seem more plausible for me.

Then feel free to submit patches for the docs.

PS: If you want further responses from me, please follow standard Usenet
quoting conventions (like those above).
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

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