Python obfuscation

Mike Meyer mwm at
Wed Nov 9 16:06:24 EST 2005

"bonono at" <bonono at> writes:
> How effective can it be when python is designed to make writing this
> kind of code hard(hopefully impossible) ? The most effective would be
> renaming function and may be variables but if the functions are kept
> short, they would at most looks like haskell ;-)

I haven't looked at obfuscator, so I have *no idea* how it works. The
following is how I'd do it.

Step one: globally replace all names in all python module withb names
that are composed of long strings of l, 1, 0 and 0. Fixing
cross-module references should be fun. Don't just make them random -
make them all start with the same sequence, and end with the same
sequence, having differences only in the middle.

Step two: repeat this process for the contents of binary modules, not
neglecting __builtins__. In this case, you probably can't remove the
old names, but you can add new things to the module, and make sure you
only reference those.

I'm not sure how to go about fixing things that are referenced by name
in binary modules. Maybe you'll have to leave those names in the
modules. But you an make sure that all references in Python source use
the new, binary-like names.


Mike Meyer <mwm at>
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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