Web-based client code execution

Stephen Kellett snail at objmedia.demon.co.uk
Fri Nov 18 15:42:07 EST 2005

In message <1132342910.799932.58720 at g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>, Steve 
<steve.morin at gmail.com> writes
>AJAX works because browsers can execute javascript.  I don't know of a
>browser that can execute python.  Basically your stuck with java or
>javascript because everything else really isn't cross platform.

ActiveState do a version of Python that can run in a script tag like 
JavaScript and VBScript. This requires Windows Scripting Host. They also 
do a similar thing for Perl, not sure about TCL.

The syntax is along the lines of

<SCRIPT language="PythonScript">
Python goes here

I remember reading this about PerlScript and I'm pretty sure I'm correct 
in remembering there is a PythonScript. Anyway you are limited to 
ActiveState and Windows Scripting Host.

For pragmatic reasons I think you would be better concentrating on 
JavaScript for the Client and your language of choice 
Python/Ruby/Lua/whatever for the server part of AJAX.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited    http://www.objmedia.demon.co.uk/software.html
Computer Consultancy, Software Development
Windows C++, Java, Assembler, Performance Analysis, Troubleshooting

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