syntax errors while building pypgsql

David Wahler dwahler at
Wed Nov 23 09:03:42 EST 2005

Tin Gherdanarra wrote:
> typedef struct {
>      PyObject_HEAD /* Here is the syntax error, and rightly so */
> } PgConnection;
> I don't know what PyObject_HEAD or PGconn is,
> but if they are types, a syntax error is justified here:
>      PyObject_HEAD /* Here is the syntax error */
>      PGconn *conn;

PyObject_HEAD is a macro defined in the Python headers. It provides the
internal fields common to all Python objects to provide garbage
collection and other services. If that's throwing errors, then your
compiler isn't finding the headers. Check to see if you have the file
/usr/include/python*/Python.h on your system.

-- David

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