Can you set a class instance's attributes to zero by setting the instance to zero?

Terry Hancock hancock at
Sat Nov 19 13:58:59 EST 2005

On 19 Nov 2005 05:29:07 -0800
"Gerard Flanagan" <grflanagan at> wrote:
> If I have the Vector class below, is there a means by
> which I can have the following behaviour
> >>>A = Vector(1, 2)
> >>>print A
> (1, 2)
> >>>A = 0
> >>>print A
> (0, 0)

As has already been mentioned, "A = 0" rebinds the name "A"
to the object "0" so there's no way it can mutate the object

However, you could create an object "Origin" to use as a
vector zero:

Origin = Vector(0,0)

Or if you want to be shorter, more poetic, and make future
maintainers curse you, you can call it "O":

O = Vector(0,0)


Terry Hancock (hancock at
Anansi Spaceworks

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