is parameter an iterable?

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Wed Nov 16 11:39:57 EST 2005

Rick Wotnaz wrote.

> ... which leads me to belive that 'msg' is not type(str). It can be
> coerced (str(msg).find works as expected). But what exactly is msg?
> It appears to be of <type 'instance'>, and does not test equal to a
> string.

it's an instance of the exception type, of course.


if you do

    raise SomeError, value

Python will actually do

    raise SomeError(value)

(that is, create a SomeError exception and pass the value as its
first argument).

you can use either form in your code (I prefer the latter myself).


as for catching the exceptions, if you do

    except SomeError, v:

Python will treat this as

        # some exception occurred
        typ = sys.exc_type
        exc = sys.exc_value
        if issubclass(typ, SomeError):
            v = exc
            raise # propagate!

(where typ and exc are internal variables)


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