path module / class

Neil Hodgson nyamatongwe+thunder at
Sun Nov 20 19:41:12 EST 2005

Peter Hansen:

>> There is a cost to the change as there will be two libraries that have 
>> to be known to understand code. 
> Could you please clarify?  Which two do you mean?

    At that point I was thinking about os.path and Readers will 
encounter code that uses both of these libraries.

> We've mandated use of internally for all projects because we've 
> noticed (especially with non-expert Python programmers... i.e. junior 
> and intermediate types, and senior types new to Python) a decrease in 
> errors.  

    A list of fault reports in this area would be useful evidence. The 
relative occurence of particular failures (such as incorrect path 
joining) is difficult to estimate which leads to the common messy 
handwaving over API choices.

    To me, one of the bigger benefits of is that it 
automatically uses Unicode strings on Windows NT+ which will behave 
correctly in more cases than byte strings.


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