Goto XY

Mike Meyer mwm at
Tue Nov 8 21:02:18 EST 2005

ale.of.ginger at writes:

> Is there some command in python so that I can read a key's input and
> then use a gotoxy() function to move the cursor on screen?  e.g.:
> (psuedo-code)
> When the right arrow is pushed, cursor gotoxy(x+1,y)

You want curses. A version is included in the standard library if
you're on Unix. If you're on Windows, there are third party curses
libraries. You should be able to install that and then build the
curses module against it. If you're not on either of those two - tell
us what you're using, and maybe someone who knows that system will
answer you.

Mike Meyer <mwm at>
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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