Counting occurences of words in a list of strings

John Machin sjmachin at
Wed May 25 01:58:21 EDT 2005

Travers Naran wrote:
> John Machin wrote:
>> 3. If you want to roll your own, start with Gonzalo Navarro's 
>> publications:
> I don't suffer from NMH syndrome.  If ahocorasick does the job, or even 
> count, I'm OK with that.

Do you mean NIH syndrome? Sorry, I should have been clearer, like "if 
you want faster, you will have to roll your own; start with ...". The 
Aho-Corasick algorithm is about 30 years old.  Navarro is part of, and 
summarises the rest of, the state of the art.


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