Range function

Xah Lee xah at xahlee.org
Sun May 15 05:52:12 EDT 2005

Here's the Python solution.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python

# http://xahlee.org/tree/tree.html
# Xah Lee, 2005-05

# implementation note: When iStep is a decimal, rounding error
# accumulates. For example, the last item returned from
# Range(0,18,0.3) is 17.7 not 18. A remedy is to turn iStep into a
# fraction and do exact arithmetics, and possibly convert the result
# back to decimal. A lesser workaround is to split the interval as to
# do multiple smaller range and join them together.

def Range(iMin, iMax=None, iStep=None):
  if (iMax==None and iStep==None):
    return Range(1,iMin)
  if iStep==None:
    return Range(iMin,iMax,1)
  if iMin <= iMax and iStep > 0:
    if (isinstance(iStep,int) or isinstance(iStep,long)):
      return range( iMix, iMax, iStep)
      while iMin <= iMax:
        iMin += iStep
      return result

# test
print Range(0, 18, 0.3)

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