Wrapping c functions

Andrew Dalke dalke at dalkescientific.com
Sun May 1 16:00:19 EDT 2005

Glenn Pierce wrote:
>         if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "isi", &format, filename, &flags))
>             return NULL;

Shouldn't that be &filename ?  See
for examples.

>         dib = FreeImage_Load(format, filename, flags);

> Also I have little Idea what to return from the function. FIBITMAP * is
> an opaque pointer
> that I pass to other FreeImage functions, I pretty certain
> Py_BuildValue("o", dib) is wrong.

If it's truly opaque and you trust your use of the code you can
cast it to an integer, use the integer in the Python code, and
at the Python/C interface cast the integer back to a pointer.
Of course if it no longer exists you'll get a segfault.

If you want more type safety you can use the SWIG approach and
encode the pointers as a string, with type information and
pointer included.

Or use the Python extension API to make a new type.

Searching the archives I see people have tried to write a Python/
FreeImage interface using SWIG.

				dalke at dalkescientific.com

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