Convert from numbers to letters

rh0dium sklass at
Thu May 19 14:59:00 EDT 2005

This is great but backwards...

Ok because you all want to know why..  I need to convert Excel columns
A2 into , [1,0] and I need a simple way to do that..

( The way this works is A->0 and 2->1 -- Yes they interchange --  So
B14 == [13,1] )

So my logic was simple convert the A to a number and then do the swap.
I didn't really care about the function so to speak it was a minor step
in the bigger picture..

By the way if you haven't played with pyXLWriter is it really good :)

So can anyone simply provide a nice function to do this?  My logic was
along the same lines as Dans was earlier - but that just seems too
messy (and ugly)


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