CGI on Windows

Rainer Mansfeld MLists at
Mon May 16 14:08:44 EDT 2005

Hi all,

I'm running the following script as a minimalistic CGI server on
Windows ME:
   from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer
   from CGIHTTPServer import CGIHTTPRequestHandler

   server = HTTPServer(("", 8080), CGIHTTPRequestHandler)

This works fine showing html files and even running python scripts.
However if I try something like
using the following script:
   import cgi

   form = cgi.FieldStorage()
   value = form.getfirst('key', "???")

   print "Content-Type: text/html"
   print "value = %s" % value

it shows 'value = ???' in the browswer.
In other words cgi.FieldStorage is empty.
Using a form and the 'POST' method doesn't help either.

On a 'real' Internet server (Linux/Apache) the same script works
without problems. So my conclusion is, that either the CGIHTTPServer
or the cgi module don't work on Windows, but I can't find anything
about this issue in the documentation or using Google.
Any hints?

Thanks in advance


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