Python Documentation (should be better?)

Peter Hansen peter at
Wed May 11 19:36:12 EDT 2005

Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:
 > Why can't Python have documentation like that?  The language is
> awesome, it just needs documentation of the same quality.

The canonical answer is, roughly, 'it can'.

A standard addendum is to say that contributions are always welcome.

A common clarification of that is to point out that in open source 
projects, somebody has to volunteer to do the work, or somebody has to 
be willing to pay for it to be done.  Which are you?

Personally, I have little problem with Python's docs, so I'm certainly 
going to focus my negligible free time elsewhere.  (Like rambling on and 
on answering newsgroup postings. :-)  If you felt strongly enough about 
the negative aspects of Python's docs, you would be looking for places 
where you could make a contribution.  (Lack of experience is not only 
not an excuse, but is probably an excellent qualification for the job!)


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