Fw: evidence john bokma al jazeera connection ?

William Baker spam.me.not at dot.com
Sat May 21 12:09:58 EDT 2005

   please add forward to alt.security.terrorism if information

    p.p.s.  "john bokma" shows long list in message boards, just in last 
month.  lots of information to netherlands where muslem militants 
are.  could some be coded cryption to aljazeera, so messages are in
secret for the terror network?

    what if dutch messages are most coded and  hardest to break?  there is no 
arab language at babelfish.altavista.com.  dutch is there, and english.

     i will try to send this message around.  i hope some law agents will
look at john bokma.  he may work for al jazeera, on the computer webs and tv.


>     p.s.   i ran a cross reference on john bokma  whereabouts, like he 
>just admits <Xns9659ACE89699Fcastleamber at> .
>    look for the  words "al-jazeera" and "new zealand", or netherlands, 
>mexico, turkey, or "sri lanka".  can it be only coincidence that john bokma 
>shows  up in the same places around the world, and at same times that 
>al jazeera showing up there?  thats way to many coincidences for one to have.
>     you can see  his programs at www.aljazeera.com,  and use translations 
>at babelfish.altavista.com, if you need, like for his dutch records.   somebody 
>needs to tell fbi agents this john bokma woirks for terror computers and tv.

>>    i keep looking at the john bokma al jazeera connection, and his dossier 
>>gets bigger.  this just one day cancels for al-jazeera and arab militant.  do 
>>bokma clients know how deep  he works for al jazeera?  look at this.
>>    see this from 2003, cancel  for al jazeera and other arab names
>>at this message <bm7a55$7lh$1 at dexter.hensema.net> 
>>nl.internet.misbruik.rapport > Cancelreport from autocancelbot Sat Oct 11 
>>00:00:05 2003 - View Parsed
>>From: Erik Hensema <cancel... at hensema.net>
>>Newsgroups: nl.internet.misbruik.rapport
>>Subject: Cancelreport from autocancelbot Sat Oct 11 00:00:05 2003
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>>Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 22:00:05 +0000 (UTC)
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>>Message-ID: <bm7a55$7lh$1 at dexter.hensema.net>
>>NNTP-Posting-Host: dexter.hensema.net
>>NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 22:00:05 +0000 (UTC)
>>Id:         SWEN-ac-1065775366-168-1872
>>From:       John Bokma <postmas... at castleamber.com>
>>Subject:    Re: Gibe virus onderschepprogramma maken met Delphi
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>>Subject:    nlo.news.groups, rethink the cool
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>>Subject:    nl.sport.vissen, power of his own PR
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>>Subject:    Re: nl.sport.bridge, counterbranding game
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>>Subject:    nl.sport.varen, isn't exactly rocket science
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>>Subject:    Re: nl.sport.klim+bergsport, grass roots capitalism
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>>     somebody should check all these message boards for john bokma 
>>informtaion.  interpol, fbi, and warn other groups about him.
>>>    i have a report to make.  on another group i have been watching a thread 
>>>where somebody named "john bokma" has been hassling another reader for some 
>>>months now.  i think its politically motivated,  because the other guy 
>>>talks in good support of the us, and doesnt like terrorists.
>>>   i did a quick search for "john bokma", and i was  surprised to find out 
>>>that his whereabouts show him all over the place on the internet.  every 
>>>thing from new zealand, netherlans, mexico, and us.  scope it  for yourself.
>>>   now heres the clincher.  while i was searching through different message 
>>>boards i found some chatter in foreign language (dutch?), saying bokma writes
>>>>>computer  programs for terror al-jazeera webs, and has other suspicious 
>>>connections to  muslems.  has this john bokma been red flagged or reported to
>>>>>the  fbi?  somebody should take a close look at this guy.  he could be 
>>>working for alqueda terrorists. 
>>>   if it helps here are some address emails i found with his name on them.
>>>   jbokma at caiw.nl
>>>    j.j.j.bokma at caiw.nl
>>>   use at reply.address.com
>>>  john at castleamber.com
>>>   postmaster at castleamber.com

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