query progress bar

f francois at a.a
Tue May 17 05:42:43 EDT 2005

Timothy Smith wrote:
> is it possible to mke a progress bar for queries? say i have a query 
> that will take 20 seconds, i'd like to give some feed back to users on 
> how long this will take.

it is strictly impossible to predict that cause of network load, server 
load, query complexity ....

i recommend you put an activity widget, something moving (ie throbber in 
wxPython) while waiting for the result (like the rotating circle in 

once query is finished stop your moving stuff, so the user knows it's 

So you don't need a progress bar, but an activity widget. in gtk, i saw 
that progress bar could be put in activity mode.

And don't forget to add a timeout ...


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