Python/Excel AddIn (was:Re: Does Python have a Template::Extract equivalent from Perl's CPAN)

Paul McNett p at
Fri May 27 14:01:20 EDT 2005

Please start a new thread when appropriate.

combinational.logic $ wrote:
> Can you please elaborate on how to use Python for MS Excel AddIn
> development? Is this easy to do?  I would love to be able to create
> custom extensions to Excel using python!  IMHO Python is much better
> than Perl due to its OOP features.

Do you mean automating Excel sheets using Python? If so, you need to get 
a COM interface from Python (see Mark Hammond's win32all Python 
extensions for this), and you need to figure out the proper com calls, 
which is easiest by going into Excel and recording a macro, and then 
taking a look at the vbscript the macro recorded.

Paul McNett

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